Report now
Please use this form to report any incidents of Hate Crime or Hate Speech that you have encountered.
You can see more about why it makes a difference to submit a report on our About page.
Please read the information below about your data and rights. If you still want to go ahead and submit a report, please tick the box and you will be taken to the form.
There are 4 sections to the form, and lots of the questions are optional. Depending how much information you decide to add to the form, it will probably take between 5 and 20 minutes. You can stop the process at any time and your information will not be submitted.
We understand that submitting a report can be a difficult step to take, so please make sure you consider your safety and wellbeing at all times.

Your data and rights:
- Please note that the information that you provide will be used to feed into the campaigning work that we undertake and will be used for reporting purposes.
- The full details of your report will only be shared with the support organisation you choose – you will see their name below when you select the location of the incident.
- Your personal details (if you decide to share any) and the detailed information in your report won’t be shared with any organisation other than the support organisation without your consent but statistical unidentifiable information will be used by ERA, Stonewall and our trusted partners for reporting and awareness purposes (e.g. in formats such as, ‘52% of people who reported a hate crime in Albania said X’).
- If you complete this form anonymously, please think about the information that you provide and make sure that it can’t be used to identify you. Also please don’t include any information in the form that could identify or could be used to identify any other individuals.
- You can request support by providing your contact information and selecting the support that you would like from the options available within the chosen country. If you do provide your email address or phone number, that information will be sent to the selected support organisation for them to contact you and your contact information will only be used for the purpose of providing you with the support that you have requested.
- Any personal information that you provide will be removed from the system as soon as it is practical to do so, once you have received any support required.